This honest review of Symprove contains affiliate links.
I do love writing a review – particularly on anything pertaining to daily life and bodily functions.
Over the years I’ve shared my thoughts on reusable tampons, period pants, natural deodorants and reusable cotton swabs, describing in (perhaps unnecessary) detail my experiences with these products.
Most recently, however, I’ve shifted my focus to a new area of my body; moving away from my armpits and menstrual cycle to instead obsess over something else – my gut.
Or gut health, to be more specific.
This meandering and mysterious part of my body is an area that I know very little about – a part that I only really pay attention to if I’m feeling unwell. However, it’s not an area to be ignored.
Indeed, the digestive system is a powerhouse; the tipping point between good and bad health.
If shown a little TLC and delivered the right concoction of tonics and active bacteria, your gut has the power to significantly transform your health and wellbeing.
So, how to do this? How can you heal your gut in a way that will not only improve your gut microbiome, but also have a positive impact on everything from your immunity levels to your mental health?
The answer, my friends, is this magical elixir – Symprove – and its 12-week programme.
What is Symprove?
In short, Symprove is a probiotic with many health benefits.
Developed, somewhat surprisingly, by a farmer who wanted to improve the quality of the food given to his animals, Symprove was originally a humble animal feed. Startled by just how much this feed improved the health of his livestock, Barry Smith (our entrepreneurial farmer) decided to translate his findings into a product that human beings could use.
Using fermented barley as its magic ingredient, Symprove was eventually launched as a human product in 2010 – a pioneering, water-based probiotic to create a healthy gut.
How Much is Symprove?
Let’s not beat around the bush – Symprove is an expensive probiotic (particularly when compared to its tablet-form peers).
You can buy it both as a one off, or sign up to a subscription.
Pay As You Go
By far the most expensive option is to buy just one month’s worth of Symprove. If buying a four week pack, then Symprove will set you back a whopping £79.99, which might seem ludicrously expensive when compared with the £9.99 probiotics you can buy at your local chemist.
Alternatively, you can buy a one off 12 week pack for £149.99.
Symprove Subscription and Loyalty Scheme
Rolling Subscription
If you’re enjoying Symprove, then to save money, definitely sign up to one of their subscription services.
Their rolling subscription is the most flexible, and can be cancelled or amended at any time. Every four weeks, you’ll receive a new months’ worth of Symprove, costing £49.99 rather than £79.99 if you bought it as a one off.
If you do opt for this option, please be sure to use our discount code for even more money off.
Symprove discount code: use TWINP50 at checkout for 50% off a flexible/monthly rolling subscription.
Loyalty Subscription
If you know that Symprove is in your life long-term, then you might want to consider their Loyalty programme.
In short, you have to sign up to Symprove for a whole year, but save 20% in doing so. Your monthly cost will be £39.99 rather than £49.99 – so will roughly save you a tenner a month, or £120 a year.
Why is Symprove Better than Other Probiotics?
What does Symprove actually do?
Let’s face it, there are a whole lot of probiotics on the market, so why pay the price for this particular brand. Is Symprove really worth it?
The reason that Symprove is so expensive – and apparently the best probiotic in the UK – comes down to science.
While probiotics no doubt work in theory, a claim regularly levelled against them is that the live bacteria within them – the very stuff that does the good – cannot reach the gut alive. Indeed, once swallowed, many probiotics, and the millions of good bacteria within them, are killed within seconds by stomach acid. As a result, these probiotics are rendered useless.
This is where Symprove – a liquid form probiotic – is different.
In 2015, academics at University College London found in an independent study that Symprove withstood all areas of their testing , not only arriving successfully in the gut, but surviving and thriving there – including unique strains of bacteria like l. rhamnosus, l. plantarum and e. faecium.
Similarly, in 2018, the Simulator of the Human Intestinal Microbioal Ecosystem (SHIME), also confirmed that Symprove bacteria was happily arriving and multiplying in the gut – supporting the wider microbiome.
It’s due to this gold standard of evidence that Symprove is therefore considered the best probiotic on the market – and, unsurprisingly, accounts for why Symprove is so expensive.
How Does Symprove Work?
Releasing 10 billion live colony forming units of thriving bacteria into the gut with every daily shot, Symprove is certainly impressive.
However, it’s how it (successfully) delivers this bacteria that makes it really stand out from the crowd.
While most probiotics come in tablet form, Symprove is a water-based probiotic – taken as a 70ml shot each morning (10 minutes before breakfast, first thing, and on an empty stomach).
The rationale behind this is that swallowing a liquid, rather than a tablet, prevents the digestive process from being triggered; an event that floods the stomach with bacteria-killing acid. It’s therefore this water-based solution that helps to keep Symprove’s unique strains of live activated bacteria preserved; something that not all tablet probiotics can do.
What Does Symprove Taste Like?
Having scoured Symprove reviews online, I’d seen multiple claims that its taste is a little hard to stomach (if you’ll pardon the pun).
This is something that the creators of Symprove have perhaps recognised as a new flavour has recently been launched – mango and passion fruit. Having looked at the other flavours (original and strawberry and raspberry), this is the flavour I decided to opt for.
Controversially, I actually really like it – it’s good stuff. However, I also like other fermented and slightly sour products like Kombucha and Apple Cider Vinegar, which might explain things. The flavour definitely improves once the bottle is chilled and in the fridge (where you’ll need to store it anyway, once opened) and I began to almost look forward to taking it each day.
If you don’t like that slightly tart, sour taste, then you may struggle a little to take Symprove (something I definitely wanted to mention in this Symprove review).
Why I Wanted to Try Symprove Probiotic
Having read other Symprove reviews, I noticed that the vast majority of people took this food supplement to help manage their IBS.
Now, I’ve had a fair few run-ins with IBS symptoms over the years. Intricately linked to my anxiety, my IBS tends to rear its ugly head when my anxiety does, resulting in a very sensitive and upset tummy (I’ll spare you the details). It was particularly bad when I was in my early twenties and I took everything from peppermint pills to aloe-vera liquid to try to control it.
However, for the last few years, my irritable bowel syndrome hasn’t been too much of an issue (touch wood). Unless I’m going through a stressful time, or I’m super nervous, my gut tends to behave itself and doesn’t cause me too much bother.
So, why did I want to write a Symprove review? If I wasn’t experiencing too many gastro issues and given the fact that this product is not cheap, why did I want to invest in this water-based probiotic?
Constantly Unwell
From June 2021, I’ve been almost constantly, perpetually unwell.
Now, this is likely caused by three things: 1) the fact I’d been pregnant 2) the fact that we were all emerging from a germ-free lockdown and 3) the fact that my new baby was sharing all of his pathogens with me.
I therefore initially rode out this storm: accepting that, for the time being, this was my lot in life. I bravely looked Shingles in the eye and dealt with it, battled three bouts of tonsillitis, dragged myself through Norovirus and suffered cold after cold, sinus infection after sinus infection.
However, around January time – I snapped. I never felt ‘well’ and was always dealing with some ailment or another – all of which was beginning to impact my mental health. Added to this the fact I also had a baby to look after and I decided that enough was enough.
I made an appointment to see my GP.
On previous visits, my doctor had kept pointing to ‘postpartum depletion’ as the source of my issues. However, this prognosis was wearing increasingly thin. It now seemed less a diagnosis and more some offensively generic, pseudo-science aimed at dismissing any new mother’s complaints.
If I was ‘depleted’, how could I replete myself? Why did being a new mum mean it was acceptable to feel as though I was circling the drain of life?
Eventually, I managed to see a female GP, who thankfully took my complaints seriously. After ordering blood works (I was anaemic) she also ordered urine and stool samples.
With the results in, she explained that alongside taking a feast of new supplements, I also really needed to work on my gut health – something the stool sample indicated (I didn’t ask any more questions past this).
Explaining that a whopping 70% of my immune system lived in my gut, she emphasised how important it was that I helped to resurrect the friendly bacteria in my tummy as quickly as possible; ensuring that I strengthened my overall immune system.
And the probiotic she suggested to do this? Symprove.
Alongside the fact that I’d had more colds that I’d had hot dinners in 2021, I was also unbelievably tired.
Of course, this is something I’d initially accepted – I had a new baby and life was exhausting. However, come October when my baby started sleeping through, my tiredness levels seemed to only intensify. I couldn’t get through the day without an hour’s nap (at the very least) and felt like I was walking around in a grey fog.
It was horrible – a sluggish, apathetic kind of vibe that I couldn’t shake.
Again, my GP suggested Symprove to help improve my energy levels – explaining that with my gut most likely ‘leaking’ (a slightly grim idea) – my body was probably inflamed and not absorbing nutrients as well as it should be.
By re-establishing a respectable level of good bacteria in my intestines, my ‘leaky gut’ could begin to heal itself and my inflammation levels would start to come down.
The result? More energy.
Ongoing Sinus Issues
Included on my litany of ailments was my ongoing sinus issues.
Over the winter, I had three different sinus infections and nearly six rounds of heavy duty antibiotics. The symptoms were horrible and only added to my non-existent energy levels.
I tried everything – various sinus sprays and rinses, steam inhalers and tablets – but nothing worked.
Again, this was apparently an issue that Symprove might help to resolve. Like the gut, the sinus cavities are also riddled with bacteria, both good and bad. A snotty little ecosystem of its very own, if the sinuses become overrun with bad bacteria, then infections are more likely to flourish.
A probiotic like Symprove could (apparently) therefore give me a better opportunity of avoiding recurrent bouts of bacterial sinusitis.
My Symprove Review: Did it Work?
I’ve noticed that most reviews of Symprove UK outline their journey week by week – including the early days, first week and first month.
Rather than do this, I thought I’d just provide you with the headlines: what my results were after taking 12 weeks of Symprove as part of my daily routine.
Overall Health – No More Illnesses
I’ve spent quite a long time reflecting on whether Symprove has improved my overall health and immunity – and I genuinely believe that it has made a huge difference.
Of course, there may be other factors at play: the possibility that my run of illnesses finally came to a natural end, the arrival of summer, the regular exercise that I’ve been doing. However, as this rapid improvement came about after 4 weeks of regularly taking Symprove, I’m definitely minded to believe it’s all down to the probiotic.
I began taking Symprove in April, having just recovered from severe tonsillitis and a cold. Following this, there was an almost immediate illness-related peace fire. In fact – dare I say it – I began to feel almost ‘well’.
During this time, my baby had also started childcare and was therefore continuing to battle regular colds and coughs. However, I didn’t catch one – not even a hint of one. Given that prior to taking Symprove I came down with every single virus he did, this was nothing short of a miracle.
This trend has only continued and I’ve now reached four months without getting ill (which, given how regularly I was getting sick, is an enormous feat). It feels like my immune system is back up and running – actually working. In fact, if there has been the odd time that I’ve felt like I might be coming down with something, I just make sure I take my Symprove shot and it passes within a day or two.
I therefore firmly believe that Symprove has helped to rebuild my immune system and ended my long winter of illness(es).
Sinus Issues – Ongoing
One thing my GP hypothesised was that by improving the health of my digestive tract, I could potentially improve the ‘conditions’ found in my sinuses (which were apparently being overrun by bad bacteria).
I wasn’t too convinced about this when she first mentioned it. If I was swallowing, rather than snorting, a probiotic – how would it reach my sinus cavity?
As it turns out, there are plenty of folk in the medical world who believe that probiotics may help improve chronic sinusitis and rhinitis – with some labs even developing a probiotic nasal spray.
Studies have shown that probiotics work for sinus issues on several levels.
Firstly, friendly bacteria found in probiotics such as Symprove are shown to disrupt the ‘biofilms’ found in the nose (bacteria-riddled blankets of mucus found in the sinuses). Dense and sticky, antibiotics often struggle to eradicate these biofilms, meaning that infections continue.
Secondly, some studies have shown that taking probiotics actually reduces the chance of an external bacteria colonising in the nose – the cause of many bacterial sinus infections.
Lastly, as sinus issues are often caused by infections, taking a probiotic and improving your overall health can help to prevent these infections happening in the first place.
It all sounds very compelling – but did taking Symprove really improve my sinusitis?
Yes and no.
Firstly, and most significantly, I’ve not had a sinus infection since I started my 12 week course of Symprove. Given that I had three infections in six weeks prior to this, I’m definitely inclined to believe that Symprove has contributed to this significant reduction. As my infections had all been pretty nasty – resulting in fevers, severe pain and headaches – the fact that I’ve not had another bout since is an enormous relief.
However – and on the flip side – many of my sinus issues are allergy related, something that Symprove hasn’t helped with. This is perhaps to be expected (there’s only so much a probiotic can do) and as long as these allergies don’t turn into infections, I’m happy.
Energy Levels – Evening Out
Having read other reviews of Symprove probiotic, I’d (excitedly) noticed that many people had said it had significantly improved their energy levels – something I was desperate to experience.
As I mentioned above, my energy levels are dire and I normally find myself desperately needing a nap by midday. Of course, this could be down to a whole host of other things (I definitely need to look into cutting dairy out of my diet). However, given that probiotics can remedy ‘leaky guts’, inflammation and low immunity – all causes of low energy – I can also appreciate why Symprove might help.
On the whole, I’d say my energy levels have remained disappointingly low. Despite some Symprove reviews declaring that the probiotic had transformed them into supercharged, energetic athletes, this metamorphosis sadly didn’t happen for me.
However, this might not be this probiotic supplement’s fault. It is allergy season after all – something that always makes me fatigued – and I have an energetic toddler to look after. I’m also fairly sure that I have a few undiagnosed allergies going on, which I should definitely sort out.
I’d therefore probably conclude that while Symprove didn’t improve my energy levels, there are other causes at play that even this magic probiotic can’t remedy.
Tummy – Calm, Peaceful and Quiet
Ironically, whilst I didn’t take Symprove for IBS, one of the biggest differences I’ve noticed is just how calm my stomach is.
Prior to taking it, I didn’t have any hugely dramatic symptoms, but I did get bloated quickly and if I ate certain foods I got a lot of gas (which felt really uncomfortable).
However, and without even really noticing it, all these symptoms have quite literally vanished. I’ve barely registered any bloating or gas – in fact, it’s a very rare occurrence if it does happen. I can even eat raw vegetables (something that used to trigger uncomfortable bloating) and feel fantastic, which is a significant improvement.
I’d therefore say that taking Symprove has perceptibly improved my gut health, increased my good gut bacteria strains and definitely reduced the bloating that I used to suffer from.
Symprove Side Effects
One thing I was a little nervous about were any side effects I might experience when taking Symprove.
Having read a fair few reviews of Symprove, I did notice that some people experienced a worsening of their stomach issues when first taking the probiotic – something I prepared myself for. In fact, Google ‘Symprove diarrhoea’ and you’ll be faced with quite a few tales of dodgy tummies when first starting this food supplement.
However, on the whole, I didn’t really experience any side effects from Symprove. And when I did, it was entirely my own fault.
On two separate days, I couldn’t find the shot glass that helps you measure your 70ml of Symprove – so thought I’d just guess and swig from the bottle. I evidently drank much more than is recommended and as a result, experienced diarrhoea.
While Symprove bacteria is ‘friendly’, it’s nonetheless powerful. Flooding your intestines with too much of it can therefore disrupt the balance and result in unwanted effects, something I can definitely attest to. I’d therefore recommend you carefully measure out your Symprove shot, unless you want to spend the day running to the bathroom.
Is Symprove Suitable for Children?
While there currently is no Symprove for kids, according to the brand, Symprove is suitable for children to take from 6 months onwards (or once breastfeeding ends). The guideline dose is 1ml per kg of body weight.
Does Symprove Break a Fast?
If you’re following intermittent fasting, you might be worried that taking your daily dose of Symprove might mean that you’re breaking your fast. However, be rest assured that taking a probiotic is not classed as digesting a drink or food substance, so would not be classified as eating. In conclusion, taking a probiotic will not break a fast.
Symprove – April 2024 Update
It’s been two years since I first wrote this honest review of Symprove and I’ve been overwhelmed by just how many of you found it useful.
Since writing this initial review, I paused taking Symprove for nearly a year. My health was much better, my energy levels were – well, acceptable – and I wasn’t having gut issues anymore.
However, during this little hiatus from Symprove, I completely failed to look after my digestive health.
My diet was pretty average, I was regularly enjoying wine and – to really top things off – I took three separate courses of antibiotics in 2023. Following a bout of Covid, a chest infection and flu, I was suddenly feeling pretty bad again – reminiscent of how I felt last time.
I was sluggish, bloated, suffered with terrible brain fog and my anxiety levels were sky high. I also felt constantly on the verge of getting unwell – a hint of a cold, or flu, always lingering in the air.
Realising my health – and with it, my gut – were probably in quite a bad way, I decided to restart Symprove at the beginning of 2024 as part of my morning routine.
Thankfully, I’m already feeling so much better.
One interesting side note is that I noticed more side effects this time round. They weren’t unpleasant, or stopped me from leaving the house, but they were definitely present. In the main, this was really just going to the toilet a lot each day – 5 or 6 bowel movements a day and, occasionally, stomach cramps. My stomach wasn’t upset, just working at double speed – with everything moving through very quickly and efficiently, shall we say.
However, this did settle after a fortnight.
I also noticed some quite significant bloating after taking Symprove, something I (ironically) hadn’t experienced before. Again, this did pass after a couple of weeks and was largely just an aesthetic complaint, rather than an uncomfortable symptom.
I’ve now been taking Symprove regularly for 12 weeks and the difference on my quality of life is remarkable. I feel much more focused and clear, as though somebody has cleaned the windows of my mind. I haven’t been unwell since the end of January (a record, for me at least) and I feel energised.
Lastly, and in terms of mental health benefits of Symprove, my mood is significantly better. I don’t wake up feeling so tired and down, and my anxiety levels are much better – meaning I can constructively manage anxiety, again, rather than feel as though it’s spinning out of control.
If you’re wondering if Symprove can improve mental health – including anxiety and depression – I’d therefore say that from my own personal experience, the answer is ‘yes’.
However, and something that is different to the first time that I took Symprove, is that I have made important lifestyle changes, alongside this magical product.
I’m trying to improve my gut health through my diet too, by eating more fibre and incorporating gut-loving foods like kombucha, kefir and pickled foods.
Aware that stress can destroy gut health, I’m also regularly using the magical Sensate device and Flow headset, and I’m exercising much more. I’m trying to manage my cortisol levels and find space for relaxation and reading.
All this, I’m sure, has helped to create a much happier and friendlier place for my gut bacteria.
What this little relapse has taught me, however, is just how sensitive our guts are to our lifestyles and diets. Just a few months of eating bad food, getting stressed and taking antibiotics, can you land your gut back at square one.
For this reason, and while it’s suggested you take Symprove for a minimum of 12 weeks, I think I’ll take Symprove long term. Indeed, if you’re wondering ‘can you take Symprove for life?’ The answer (according to the Symprove website, at least) is a resounding ‘yes’.
My Symprove Review: Is Symprove Worth the Money?
Symprove has received an awful lot of hype and PR, with some of the country’s biggest newspapers and magazines reviewing it.
However, remove the smoke and mirrors and you might wonder whether Symprove is really worth it.
My verdict? Yes, Symprove is worth the money and taking it has been nothing but a positive experience.
Before taking it, I really was a shell of a woman. I was incessantly ill – to the point that it was beginning to make me feel quite low. I had no energy, my sinuses were almost permanently infected and more mildly, I felt bloated and sensitive to certain foods.
My immune system could not catch a break and as such, I was stuck in a vicious cycle of illness after illness, virus after virus.
12 weeks on and I feel so much better. The science regarding gut health and its link to our immune system is now widely accepted – and I’m certain that by using Symprove to re-populate my gut with good bacteria, I’ve bolstered my immune system.
What I would say in this review of Symprove is that it hasn’t improved my energy levels and while I’ve not had any more sinus infections, I’m still experiencing sinusitis. However, this probiotic isn’t a silver bullet – and nor does it claim to be – so perhaps I was a little optimistic for thinking it might help these issues.
12 weeks after having started Symprove and I feel in much better health – and I know that my immune system has been given the boost it needs. My stomach is a quiet and peaceful place, and I’m able to tolerate more foods than I was before.
Yes, this water-based supplement is not cheap, but it has been worth every, single penny. They say that you can’t put a price on health and in this instance, I’m tempted to agree. I’d say that Symprove is definitely one of the best probiotic supplements, especially of those available in the UK.
I’ve also found Symprove to be an excellent improvement to all round health. I love the tropical taste too.
I’d be very interested in whether they paid you to write this and if so how much. If they didn’t it’s very compelling! Currently taking it too and noticing a positive change. Glad to hear you’re feeling lots better. I’m familiar with that spiral of physical and mental health deteriorating with seemingly the guy as a common denominator
They didn’t pay me – no. I had/have no contact with the brand.
I really love the taste of the mango one. I’m a big sour beer fan and I could drink a pint of this. After your diarrhea warning though I’ll refrain
Hi, thank you for your in-depth review.
I wondered what happens after the 12 week programme. Do you have to take it forever? I saw something about a recommended maintenance dose, but it’s obviously a high price to commit to.
Hi Em! I stopped after 12 weeks and still feel like I’m reaping the benefits. Although I do try and foster good gut health in other ways (yoghurts,sauerkraut etc).
I have also started taken symprove and by month four my mood is better, anxiety better, I feel so well, and no tummy problems at all.
Great review! Thanks for sharing. I’m on week two and already seeing great improvements.
A good read especially as I’m nine days in to taking it.
Anyone get worse anxiety at the start or period pain ..I’ve had my first bottle week 1 and today was very difficult as well as very vivid dreams
Does the discount code take 50% off the subscription price indefinitely, or only the first order? Definitely keen to try this after reading the UCL study, particularly as it’s the only one I’ve seen so far the mentions diverticular disease, which my husban suffers from.
Hi-does the code give you 50% off every month on a rolling subscription, or is it just a one off discount? Thanks
I’ve been considering trying this for a few months as struggling with ongoing stomach issues & bloating for years. I take preventative medication but would like to try a natural remedy to improve my gut health, hopefully rebuilding my weakened immune system.
I would love to try it to see if would help with feeling exhausted and low in energy.
Entering your competition! I’d love to win to improve my digestion and gut health.
Entering the comp please! I’d love the win to improve my increasingly challenging to manage IBS which is flaring horrendously currently. I suspect somewhat related to bad diet choices (too much Easter choc -whoops!) and the fact I’m a ICU charge nurse who does a lot of night shifts currently. So would love to see if this helps balance my belly despite my high stress and anxiety levels in daily life. If I get some extra energy despite night shifts that would be bloody awesome too

Interesting review – I’d be keen to see if this helps my almost constant cold sores (and resulting exhaustion!). I eat pretty well including fermented foods but it doesnt seem enough with all the stress and anxiety depleting me
I keep getting coughs and colds all the time, so would be really interested to see the effect on my immune system.
I would love to try Symprove to see if it could help with bloating and my constant state of anxiety.
I would love to win this, so I can give Symprove a try. As a new mum, I haven’t taken the best care of myself in the last year. Sleep, diet and general health and well-being has taken a huge hit. Add in the return to work and little one starting nursery and it’s bugs galore in this house! I really want to start looking after me again and this looks like a great addition to my daily life to help with all of the above

I’d be very interested to try this – I have ME which leaves me housebound and I have a lot of digestive problems on top of that. I’d like to win this and see if it improves my digestion or energy
Energy levels, wake up still feeling tired.
Over the years, I’ve tried just about every capsule and tablet form of probiotic on the market for long-term digestive issues. Some helped a little but, mostly, they didn’t help at all.
This post is not only very interesting but also presented in a clear and rather compelling manner. Thank you.
I really want to try this product!
Definitely my energy as I feel quite tired a lot and to improve my skin
I’d love to tackle bloating and to increase my energy levels!
I’d love to try this to improve my immunity
I would love to win this for my husband, a permanently exhausted and run down teacher and father of two toddlers. He works incredibly hard at work and at home and doesn’t have a lot of time for himself/his own health.
Would love it for energy levels and general gut health which is currently being investigated and looking like post infectious IBS
I’d love to win this
as someone who has struggled with IBS for decades, and now finding I have perimenopausal hormonal issues along with juggling busy mum life! I have had some health issues over recent years so am focusing on my wellbeing, and believe gut health is a great place to start x
All sounds amazing, I’d love it to help with my anxiety and hopefully help my gut recover from IBS induced by anxiety.
Really hoping that this would help me with ongoing skin issues. I’d like to get my husband to try too, to help with his IBS.
I’d love to try Symprove to improve my gut health and to help with bloating, low energy levels and anxiety.
I want to try Symprove to help releive my anxiety driven IBS flair ups.
I would like to try Symprove to see if I can improve my energy levels
I’d like to repair the damage done to my gut by long term antibiotics. In particular I would love the bloating to go away
I would like it it to help with joint inflammation
Definitely with bloating and energy levels
I would love to see this helps my IBS symptoms
Like most on here I have spent so much money on solutions for gut issues that I have had for years and Symprove has always been one of those aspirational things to try one day
Honestly I am such a mess I would struggle to pick which one I would like it to improve the most! I think probably energy levels and digestion would be my biggest hopes, but I’m sure I’d benefit from any aspect
I’m so run down after going through a difficult and exhausting divorce for the past year. I’d love this to give me a boost and help me feel like my old self
Help with my pcos, ibs and gut health
I struggle with bloating, my skin and general wellbeing recently with my shift work. I would love to see if this helped!
I really need a boost to my energy level
My mam is having problems with constant bloating linked to IBS, I’d love to win this so she can try it out and get some relief.
Since having my gallbladder taken out I am having problems with certain foods especially alternative sugar. I have been taking a probiotic and it is helping a little. I would love to try Symprove hoping it wouldm stop the runs.
I have IBS and my digestive system is always very sensitive. I would particularly love to try Symprove at the moment because I have just been on strong antibiotics which have really unbalanced my gut.
I would like to try Symprove to help with lethargy and to improve my digestion.
I would love to try this for my troublesome skin. I have 3 auto-immune skin diseases and ongoing gut issues (reflux, IBS, recurrent gastritis) so this could really be a game changer for me!!
Would love to see if it helps with gut health. Coeliac and suffering.
This is something I’m really interested as my family (parents, grandparents) seems to be prone to digestive issues so I’d like to take active steps to better gut health.
I’d love to try Symprove both for my energy levels and for my gut issues. I suffer from bloating and gas, which can be quite embarrassing at times!
I would love to give this a try to see if it would help improve my IBS.
id love to try something for bloating
I feel like I’ve tried everything to combat bloating (and spent a small fortune in the process) and would love to give this a try.
I want to alleviate my bloating and energise my mental health
I’d like to try it to see if it can help with my energy levels.
I’d love to improve my IBS and my skin, actually all the benefits would be good.
This would be great for my gut health.
I’d like to see if this might help with my IBS
I have low energy levels a lot, so this could help me.
Energy levels for sure! I constantly feel exhausted would love to try this