This honest review of fatty15 contains affiliate links.
I’ve invested in an embarrassing number of supplements over the years.
Determined to find that one miracle pill, I’ve excitedly unpacked bottle after bottle of supplement, only to watch as my health woes remain (and my bank balance shrinks ever smaller).
My partner even joked that I needed to join Supplements Anonymous. I chortled loudly, before hurriedly sweeping a pharmacy’s worth of blister packs into a bin bag.
Although my supplement addiction has uncovered some successes – including the fantastic Symprove and Rheal – it’s largely proven a financially ruinous sort of hobby. From high end magnesium tablets, to dabbling with questionable brands such as Happy Mammoth, these many lotions and potions have had very little impact on my overall health.
However, and just as I was about to resign myself to the affronting reality that improving my heath might just be an inside job, I came across the intriguingly named fatty15.
Was this a weight loss product? The next Ozempic? If not, what did this supplement do?
After a bit of research, I eventually realised that fatty15 is in fact one of the newest (and most exciting) supplements on the market. Creating ripples throughout the scientific community, fatty15 contains just one ingredient – C15:0, aka the first fatty acid to be identified in ninety years.
And, most importantly, it’s proven to be something of a miracle worker.
Some scientific papers have proven that C15:0 can even reverse ageing – repairing the body at a cellular level. Providing a whopping 36 different cellular benefits, this fatty acid is shown to repair cells, shield them and super-charge their mitochondrial function, leaving every part of us healthier and more energised.
Most excitingly for me, fatty15, or C15:0, has even been proven to improve mental health, by working with receptors in the amygdala and hippocampus. It may even prove a legitimate treatment for depression.
Bowled over by this research, I (inevitably) took the plunge. Managing to find a fatty15 discount code, I purchased my first 90 day supply and began my journey to cellular recovery.
Surely this time I’d invested wisely?
After trialling the supplement for over three months, below is my verdict – and my honest review of fatty15.
Who is Behind fatty15?
Given the hype around C15:0, it perhaps wasn’t long before it appeared on the wellness market as a supplement.
However, and given the relative recency with which C15:0 has been discovered, this wasn’t going to be a quick or easy process.
Thankfully, along came fatty15’s founders – husband and wife (and vet and physician) Stephanie and Eric – who were willing to do all the hard work for us.
A little bizarrely, Stephanie had been studying and helping dolphins – comparing two pods and their rates of ageing. One pod, the Californian pod, seemed be suffering with more age-related illnesses than their peers in the Florida pod.
After a little digging, they discovered that the Florida pod naturally had more C15:0 in their diet thanks to the fatty fish they were eating. They therefore began supplementing the California dolphins with the same diet and soon enough, the health of these older dolphins improved.
The magic ingredient? An increase of C15:0 in their blood.
From here, Stephanie and her husband worked to decant C15:0 into a absorbable, vegan powder suitable for humans and soon cracked it, via the creation of FA15 (their trademarked version of C15:0).
This is the only ingredient found in fatty15 and it’s a supplement that’s already winning multiple awards.
Now a much bigger team, with scientists and physicians behind them, fatty15 is a fast growing company in the US – with its supplement now available across the UK, Europe and Australia.
What are the Benefits of Fatty15?
In a nutshell, fatty15 is a scientifically backed supplement, which contains their own vegan version of C15:0 – a newly uncovered, and impressively powerful, fatty acid.
This powerhouse of a fatty acid has been proven to help support the smallest, yet most vital part of our bodies: our cells. By targeting our cells directly, this acid strengthens their membranes, boosts their mitochondria and serves as an ‘armour’ – protecting against future free radicals and damage.
The result of these newly strengthened and healthier cells? A positive impact on our overall health and physiology.
As some scientists have even pointed out, by reversing such damage to our cells, we are theoretically able to age backwards; undertaking some very real Benjamin Button-ing.
As one scientist declared, C15:0 is the ‘longevity nutrient’.
This fatty acid has both short (or near) term benefits, alongside long-term effects. By taking it, we can observe:
- Significant reduction in cholesterol
- Reduction in fatty liver disease
- Improved joint and muscle pain
- Improvement in mental health – specifically depression and anxiety
- Weight loss (less desire to snack)
- Significant improvement in insomnia
- Improved energy levels
- Improvement in insulin resistance
- More consistent blood sugar levels
- Greatly improved skin, hair and nails
- Healthy immune system
Fatty15 and Endocannabinoid
However, the benefits of C15:0 continue.
One really interesting study looked at C15:0 and its relationship with endocannabinoids – the holy grail of neurotransmitters, which are vital to good physical and mental health.
Our endocannabinoid system regulates our bodily functions, including sleep, mood, appetite, learning, memory, body temperature, pain, immune functions and even our fertility.
That C15:0 therefore prompts our bodies to create pentadecanoylcarnitine (PDC) – a newly discovered endocannabinoid – is therefore incredibly exciting.
The power of fatty15, it seems, is limitless.
How is fatty15 Different to Omega 3 or 6?
But why, I hear you cry, don’t I get all these benefits via other popular fatty acids? Why can’t I just take an omega 3? Is fatty15 really better than fish oil?
Discovered some 90 years after omega 3, the simple fact is that C15:0 is much more potent and effective than its omega cousin. In fact, it has three times as many benefits as omega 3 and 6.
Much of this is due to the fact that C15:0 is a saturated fatty acid, whereas omega 3 is a poly unsaturated fatty acid.
This difference means that whereas the omegas make our cells flexible, C15:0 makes our cells strong.
In fact, and having spent generations being told to avoid saturated fats, scientists are now understanding the crucial role that some play in supporting our cell health – C15:0 especially.
This all down to the fact that it’s an odd-chain fatty acid. Unlike even-chain fatty acids, which can cause type 2 diabetes and heart disease, odd-chain fatty acids such as C15:0 directly support our immune system, foster a balanced metabolism, improve heart health, boost our red blood cell count, and improve gut and liver health.
Scientists are now even looking at this fatty acid as an essential supplement in helping a range of health issues, including mood disorders, microbial infections and cancer.
Move over omegas, it’s time that a new fatty acid took the crown.
Can I Get C15:0 from my Food and Diet?
I’m sure you’ll be reading this honest review of fatty15 and thinking the same as me – if this fatty acid is so important, surely I’ll just make sure I get more of it in my diet?
Unfortunately, it’s not that easy.
In fact, a recent study showed that 1 in 3 of us are deficient in C15:0 – something now called ‘Cellular Fragility Syndrome’.
Firstly, out bodies don’t make C15:0 and therefore our levels are entirely dependent on what we eat. Secondly, to get a nice big dose of C15:0 (like the 100mg provided in the fatty15 supplement), we’d have to eat a lot of full fat dairy.
This comes with a number of problems.
Primarily, and while we no longer need to be scared of the likes of butter, ingesting a lot isn’t a great idea.
Secondly, much of C15:0 is attached to hard-to-absorb complex lipids. Therefore, even if we ate these foods in large quantities, it’s unlikely our bodies would be able to reliably absorb and use the C15:0 contained within it.
Fatty15, a bio-available, easily absorbed and vegan supplement, is therefore the ideal way to get your daily dose of C15:0 – without having to spend your days munching on bars of full-fat butter.
Why is Fatty15 so Expensive?
There is one thing I can’t ignore in this honest review of fatty15 – its whopping big price tag.
I’m in the UK, and fatty15 (bought via Healf) set me back £136.49 for the 90 day starter pack. I did manage to find a discount code, so in the end I paid just over £116.
Still not cheap, eh.
So, why is fatty15 so expensive? And is fatty15 worth it?
On first impressions, and without any additional research, it does seem that fatty15 is ludicrously overpriced. When you think that you can get omega supplements for £5, the fact this particular fatty acid is over £100 seems insane.
However, once you look into the story behind fatty15 – the relative newness of this fatty acid, the process behind distilling it into a vegan supplement, and the fact this company have complete monopoly of the C15:0 market, its price begins to make sense.
As more C15:0 supplements become available (if and when), I imagine the price may come down a little.
However, and as I’ll detail below in my honest fatty15 review, given the only positive effects I’ve experienced from taking this supplements, I’d happily pay this price again and again.
Yes, fatty15 is pricey, but it’s worth it.
My Honest Review of fatty15
The existing reviews of fatty15 are both exciting and a little mind-blowing.
Thanks to this tiny cell-wizard, thousands of people seemed to be making miraculous recoveries from long term health conditions. They are also reaping other benefits in terms of their weight, sleep, mental health and liver function.
Given that I’ve taken omega oils for years and not noticed any sort of dramatic transformation, I’ll admit that I read these reviews with a dose of skepticism.
Yet I was intrigued – fascinated, in fact. Could fatty15 be the miracle supplement I’d been searching for?
I was particularly interested whether fatty15 could help anxiety – something I’ve lived with for years. The science around this fatty acid’s ability to calm mood seemed extremely exciting.
I also wanted to see if fatty15 could help with my joint pain and sciatica, along with easing my food cravings and careering blood sugar levels. That it promised to also strengthen my nails, improve my skin and produce glossy, thick hair, was a bonus.
I’ve now completed my 90 day trial and below is my honest review of fatty15.
Is fatty15 worth it? Is fatty15 better than fish oils? And what does fatty15 do for you – if anything? Below are my thoughts on this new wunderkind.
Fatty15 and Joint Pain & Sciatica
Prior to starting fatty15, I had a very bad back – something I was seeing a physiotherapist for. This was worsened by constant sciatica and inflammation around my pelvis.
Despite regular physio, having to carry my three year old around meant the pain was not getting any better. If anything, it was worse than ever – even tying my shoe laces was a real effort.
Funnily enough, and while I’d seen that fatty15 could relieve joint pain, I hadn’t expected an awful lot when it came to my own bad back. Surely this was an issue with my bones – something practical and mechanical – rather than an issue that a juicy fatty acid could help?
However, one of the first benefits I reaped from fatty15 was the near overnight eradication of both my sciatica and back pain. It was bizarre – almost miraculous – and long lasting. I couldn’t quite believe it, particularly as I hadn’t changed anything in terms of picking up my son or exercising.
The only thing I can attribute to this huge reduction in pain is, in all honesty, fatty15.
I was also experiencing a lot of stiffness in my lower back and hips. Again, this is something that seems to have completely vanished, almost without me noticing. It almost feels as though fatty15 has applied some sort of magical lubricant to my joints, allowing them to move comfortably and with ease.
Of course, I wanted to understand just how this had happened. I wanted to grasp what wizardry this dolphin-inspired supplement was casting.
In a nutshell, my pain relief seems to be down to fatty15’s ability to trigger the creation of a new molecule – pentadecanoylcarnitine – which is a pain relieving endocannabinoid. As I mentioned above, endocannabinoids are scientifically proven to help relieve pain and joint discomfort, as well as reduce histamine, which contributes to inflammation.
As I move into month four without any back pain, this explanation makes sense. I can only presume that it’s fatty15’s love child – those miraculous little endocannabinoids – working their magic, that has helped me to feel so much better.
Fatty15 Helped Stabilise my Sugar Levels
According to research, C15:0 and in turn, fatty15, is very effective in helping to regulate our glucose levels and, potentially, help with issues surrounding insulin resistance.
In fact, a whole focus of fatty15 is on improving metabolic health – both heart health, but also glucose regulation.
Prior to fatty15, I had intense and regular cravings. Sadly, these cravings weren’t for fruit or protein, but sugary snacks and bags of crisps. Try as I might, I couldn’t seem to resist an 11am chocolate bar.
I started my fatty15 regime without much thought about this sordid snacking and didn’t consciously track what I was eating, or keep a food diary.
However, after four weeks, I suddenly realised that I wasn’t snacking at all. In fact, I was sticking to just three meals a day and no longer hurtling towards that 11am sugary oblivion. It happened so organically that I almost didn’t notice that my cravings had disappeared.
I am wholly crediting fatty15 for this – and the fact I’ve lost around 4lbs in weight that historically, has stuck like glue.
Again, there is a scientific explanation behind all this. C15:0, the fatty acid found in fatty15, attaches itself to receptors around our body, known as PPARs. These important little receptors help to control the majority of our metabolic systems, including sleep, metabolism immunity and mood.
The theory is that the better these receptors work, the more your body is brought into a state of peaceful, balanced homeostasis – with everything working as it should.
This includes our blood sugar levels and metabolism.
Studies have already shown that higher levels of C15:0 in our blood correlates to lower levels of obesity, along with fatty liver disease and type 2 diabetes.
While this science is impressive, I’m ultimately just thrilled to be feeling much more balanced and no longer eating a Dairy Milk at 11am.
I feel much more in control and with it, healthier.
Fatty15 Improved my Sleep (Significantly)
As a long term anxiety sufferer, my sleep is usually the first thing to be impacted by stress or poor mental health.
This summer in particular, my sleep took a nosedive. Stressed by life (what’s new?) I was waking up at 4.10am nearly every morning and unable to get back to sleep. When I did nod off, my sleep felt fractured and disturbed; full of bizarre dreams.
As a result I was shattered, which only made my anxiety worse.
When reading other honest reviews of fatty15, I’d noticed that many people had credited it with vastly improving their sleep – helping them to overcome insomnia.
I was filled with hope – could this supplement help me get my sleep back on track?
Within just a couple of weeks, I can honestly say that fatty15 hugely improved my sleep. Rather than waking up at 4.10am, I was making it to 6am – which felt like a lie in. I also noticed that I fell asleep quickly and between shutting my eyes and waking up again, I felt like I didn’t move an inch.
My sleep felt deep, dreamless and reviving. I’ve honestly not slept like this for years, if ever.
Again, it’s thought that fatty15 helps to improve sleep by its impact on our PPAR receptors. These receptors play an important role in regulating our circadian rhythm – resetting our body clocks and reminding them when it’s time to sleep. Furthermore, the molecules that trigger these PPAR receptors have been shown to help encourage deep sleep (or slow-wave) sleep.
This definitely explains why it feels as though I am utterly dead to the world between 10.30pm – 6am each night.
It’s not just me, of course. Fatty15 report that 7 out of 10 of their consumers report having slept better within 6 weeks of taking the supplement. This is something I can definitely attest to in this honest review of fatty15.
Fatty15 Improved my Anxiety and Mental Health
Lastly – and it’s a biggie: did taking fatty15 help improve my anxiety and overall mood?
Yes, I truly believe so.
When I began taking fatty15, I was very stressed. As ever, there weren’t hugely stressful things going on in my life, however, I am very gifted at ruminating and creating stress from relatively small and innocent things.
Like Jesus magicked fish and loaves, so I magic worry from the everyday.
In this case, I was fretting about my son’s transition to preschool (which, ironically, has gone swimmingly), about our first holiday abroad with him and juggling multiple clients when it came to work.
Managing my anxiety became a game of whack-a-mole – I’d hammer it down, only for it to pop up in some other guise. My stress jug was overflowing and as a result, I was sleeping badly, feeling very anxious all day, and my body ached from head to toe (despite using my brilliant Flow headset and Sensate device).
But, then came fatty15.
For the first five or six weeks, I didn’t notice too much difference. My brain as still whirring, my anxiety still marching to its own drum. But then, and like a light switch going off, these sensations of stress and anxiety fell away.
It was like someone had turned the volume down. My tide of anxiety went from being at eye level, to more shin-deep.
Initially, this felt very bizarre. I kept waiting for anxiety to jump out at me and was forever anticipating that awful lurch of panic. However, it didn’t come – and if it did, it felt muted somehow, or muffled.
Of course, I am in no way saying fatty15 magically ‘cures’ anxiety. I know it’s still there and I can feel it moving around my body. However, it feels somehow tamer and easier to manage – probably because my overall daily mood feels more positive and balanced. Rather than my overriding mood being stressed and on edge, I now feel much calmer – just with a side plate of anxiety, instead.
Again, this is all down to those magical PPAR receptors, which also happen to reside in our amygdala – aka Anxiety’s HQ. Furthermore, endocannabinoids, the byproduct of fatty15, have been shown to have a significant effect on improving mood and promoting feelings of calm.
In fact, 2 out of 3 fatty15 users claim its resulted in an elevated mood.
Of course, all of this could be a placebo effect and in reality, fatty15 is doing very little. That’s something I definitely have to consider in this honest review of fatty15. However, it’s important to note that I don’t feel magically cured of anxiety, but instead, simply much calmer.
This has, in turn, made my own anxiety much easier to deal with.
Final Thoughts: Does fatty15 Actually Work?
So, to finish this honest review of fatty15 – is it really worth the price tag? Is this fatty acid really the goldilocks supplement we’ve all been looking for?
A look at the press surrounding C15:0, and in turn, fatty15, would certainly suggest so.
This newly discovered fatty acid has been shown to have a very real impact on the health and strength of our cells. This, in turn, is helping to combat ‘Cellular Fragility Syndrome’, which can lead to the rapid ageing of our liver, poor metabolic health and a heightened risk of cardiovascular disease.
And the reason for these fragile cells? A deficiency in C15:0 – the very fatty acid that fatty15 delivers.
It’s easy to be swept along by the science behind this new supplement. It’s fascinating and certainly exciting, and it feels as though the medical community has uncovered some long-lost panacea.
One that will help us to live better, happier and longer lives.
But, will it? Has fatty15 really helped me?
In all honesty, fatty15 is one of the most effective supplements I’ve taken (and as you know, I’ve taken enough). Of course, I can’t speak to its impact on my cholesterol or liver function, but I have noticed a very tangible and real difference to both my physiological and mental health.
I ache less. My sciatica has vanished. I sleep so much better and snack less. My anxiety, while still present, is not at the steering wheel. Instead, I feel much more in control and secure.
I guess, and perhaps the word I am looking for is balance – I feel much more balanced on fatty15. Every part of me and each and every system, feels as though it’s working as it should be.
My system of bodily checks and balances is back up and running.
Fatty15 is not a cheap supplement, but do I think it’s worth it? Yes, I really do – and I hope that this honest review of fatty15 helps to underline exactly why.
[…] Now, onto something downright jaw-dropping—turns out, Fatty15 might just be your knight in shining armor when it comes to giving your cells a helping hand. Some pretty smart folks in lab coats have found C15:0 can play fixer-upper with your cells, offering up thirty-six—that's right, thirty-six—cellular boosts (Twin Perspectives). […]
[…] which means it’s great for tuning up your sleep, mood, appetite, and even your immune system (Twin Perspectives). Don’t just take my word for it—12-week studies on taking C15:0 show improvements in […]
[…] mood. This acid gets cozy with PPAR receptors hanging out in the amygdala and hippocampus (Twin Perspectives), two brain hotspots for wrangling emotions and managing stress […]